
Hub for threats intelligence

As targeted attacks continue to gain momentum, permeate the Internet and strike without warning, Trend Micro has launched its Targeted Attacks Threat Intelligence Hub, an online resource for go-to information on the latest targeted attacks.

Cybercriminals are becoming more aggressive and are diving deeper into victims’ networks to steal sensitive information. As targeted attacks continue to gain momentum, permeate the Internet and strike without warning, Trend Micro has launched its Targeted Attacks Threat Intelligence Hub, an online resource for go-to information on the latest targeted attacks.

Complete with information regarding attack campaigns, research, expert advice on threat defense and the latest breaking news, the intelligence hub provides visitors real-time updates on emerging and current targeted attacks.

This major redesign of the hub aims to increase the visibility of our targeted attacks content and stories, both internally and externally,” said Raimund Genes, CTO, Trend Micro.

The redesigned site will now feature the following four main content types:

Also released is Trend Micro’s Targeted Attack Trends report featuring further analysis into various attack campaigns, and evidence that cyber attackers will continue to use spear phishing, mobile malware, click jacking and watering hole attacks to penetrate targeted networks.

In this roundup, our researchers report on the targeted attack threats and trends that they have seen during latter half of 2013,” said Genes.

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