
Ask Arthur: Is 
USB-C a thing?

Q: How do you use the new USB-C ports? Are we going to see a universal charger?

A: If you have a USB-C port on your smartphone and a USB-C plug on your charging cable, your electronics life generally goes on as usual, only better. Mostly.

First, the advantages:

The biggest disadvantages include the fact that;

In short, USB-C is a remarkable improvement over USB-A, but don’t throw out those ‘A’ connectors yet. In many cases, the peripherals you use will still need charging via USB-C.

Yesterday, Apple announced that the new iPhone 15 range would introduce USB-C charging ports to the company’s smartphones for the first time. This means the last hurdle to USB-C becoming a universal standard has fallen.

* Arthur Goldstuck is CEO of World Wide Worx and editor-in-chief of Follow him on social media on @art2gee.

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