
CloudWorld 2024: Oracle launches
50 new AI agents

Oracle has unveiled more than 50 new AI agents that will help organisations with authoring, advice, and actions in areas as diverse as finance, supply chain, HR, sales, marketing and service.

At CloudWorld 2024, Oracle’s annual customer conference, held in Las Vegas this week, founder and CEO Larry Ellison declared that his keynote address would focus mainly on multi-cloud strategy, and on “AI and what it means for security”. In other sessions, however, AI applications dominated discussion.

In particular, the AI capabilities within Oracle Fusion, a software-as-a-service suite of cloud products, were dramatically expanded. Oracle said this would help customers successfully execute complex tasks, automate workflows, and drive efficiency. 

“The new AI capabilities in Oracle Fusion Applications, embedded at no extra cost, will help our customers increase the speed and accuracy of business processes, accelerate decision-making, and drive more revenue,” said Steve Miranda, executive vice president of applications development, Oracle. 

The latest AI capabilities in Oracle Fusion Applications, as provided by Oracle, include:

* Arthur Goldstuck is CEO of World Wide Worx and editor-in-chief of Follow him on social media on @art2gee.

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