
Trend Micro scans Heartbleed

To help Internet users protect themselves from the Heartbleed bug Trend Micro has announced the release of two free Heartbleed scanners for computers and mobile devices.

The solutions, Trend Micro Heartbleed Detector, a Chrome browser plug-in, and an Android mobile app, are accessible in the Chrome Web Store and Google Play app store, respectively.

Available for Mac and Windows-based computer users, the Trend Micro Heartbleed Detector is a multi-platform plug-in for Chrome that enables users to check for vulnerable URLs and installs with a single click. Trend Micro researchers have also discovered that mobile apps are just as vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug as websites are. To mitigate this threat, Trend Micro has developed the Heartbleed Detector to check apps on a user’s device and the servers they communicate with, to determine if installed apps are vulnerable to the OpenSSL bug. If vulnerable apps are, the detector then prompts the user with the option to uninstall the app

Trend Micro has responded to the Heartbleed threat by offering tools to all Internet users as a solution to protect their personal data,” said Raimund Genes, Chief Technology Officer, Trend Micro. “With in-app purchases and financial transactions on mobile devices becoming the norm, Trend Micro felt it was vital to offer users a solution designed to enable them to continue operating their devices without worry. Heartbleed is a problem that may never entirely go away, but we are committed to providing and updating our solutions to best protect the data of our customers, and provide essential security on each device they use.

Users can download Trend Micro’s Heartbleed Scanners for their computers and mobile devices by visiting or the mobile link.

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