
The knife they could not rust

The average Gadget lover takes a knife for granted, unless it comes with so many added extras that you could use it to build a house. But there is one extra that eluded the knife … until now that is. JOEL DORFAN breaks the news on the knife that breaks the rules.

Yes, unless you need to make the right hand/left hand switch over, then simply undo three screws and move the clip to the other side. All Spyderco knives come out of the box razor sharp.

It will take you about 5 minutes to work out how to open the knife one handed once it is removed from your pocket.

Enough said!

Absolutely. To our knowledge there is no other pocket knife on the market that features all of Spyderco’s standard features along with the added plus of having a rust free blade.

At a suggested retail price of R680, this is excellent value for a product that should last years and years. You also have the peace of mind of Spyderco’s excellent warranty policy backed up by their local distributors.

To find out where you can purchase the Spyderco Salt 1, contact Ramrod Manufacturing, the South African distributors, on 011 4626986.

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