
Tech-savvy travellers look
for digital detours

Travellers now have more resources and options than ever before when planning and experiencing their trips, from booking flights and hotels to researching destinations and activities.

A recent Google study found that modern jet setters engage with up to 500 digital touchpoints before finalising their bookings. This points to the fact that travellers are more connected than ever and are well acquainted with the many ways technology can help them reach their globe-trotting goals. Tech savvy travellers and the current travel boom are changing the way we move around the world and are birthing some exciting new trends.

To keep up with changing consumer needs and technological advancements, it is vital for hotels to adapt and make use of available tools to better serve their guests and generate more revenue. To achieve this goal, Sojern and Profitroom have recently teamed up to offer hotels worldwide cutting-edge booking technology and data-driven marketing solutions. By utilising these resources, hoteliers can seamlessly connect with travellers,  drive direct bookings, and significantly increase their revenue.

“As global travel approaches a full recovery, the wanderlust bug has bitten harder than ever, fueling a surge in travel enthusiasts exploring the globe,” says Josh Beckwith, MD of global strategic accounts and partnerships at Sojern, a leading travel marketing platform. “This surge accompanies an ever-changing shift in the way we plan our journeys, relying on multiple digital channels to discover, plan and book our trips, with technology transforming the booking journey into a digital adventure. Paired with the continuous advances in artificial intelligence (AI), we are undoubtedly entering exciting times.”

The empowered voyager

According to digital marketing and ecommerce experts, E-Consultancy, 83% of travellers are taking matters into their own hands, booking trips through online travel agents (OTAs) or directly with hotels. This newfound empowerment has created a traveller that is constantly looking out for the best possible deal. 

Samantha Williams, commercial director at booking platform Profitroom, says: “While it is often tempting to book your stay through an online travel agent, we have seen that people who find their hotel on an OTA and then book directly with that hotel get better deals and added perks.”

Technology has given us the gift of options but what happens when you have too many? Many tourists around the world are now struggling with “choice paralysis”. Today’s travellers are being bombarded with so many destinations, accommodations, and experiences that it can become overwhelming. What this means for travel marketers is that their products must become increasingly good at cutting through the noise and speaking directly to their target audience. Through the use of AI solutions, hotels can sift through consumer behaviour data and pinpoint ways that their offerings can speak directly to their intended audience.

With hundreds of touchpoints at people’s literal fingertips, linear booking processes have gone the way of the fax machine. Today’s hyper connected globetrotters stitch together their travel plans using multiple channels — search engines, review sites, official websites, social media and more. In order to keep up with changing consumer needs and technological advancements, it is vital for hotels to adapt and make use of available tools such as Profitroom’s innovative Booking Engine 360 and  channel manager, as well as Sojern’s Travel Marketing Platform and digital marketing expertise. With these tools hotels can target and reach the correct audiences, personalise user experiences, understand the market and most importantly, provide exceptional services to their guests.

Additionally, by integrating these offerings, hoteliers can optimise their online presence, attract high-value guests, and streamline operations.

At this year’s  Profitroom On Tour hospitality event, Sojern shared insights on how hotels can leverage digital marketing to gain a competitive edge:

* For more information, visit Sojern’s website.

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