
Soccer iPhone game launched in SA

A major World Cup 2010 competition world star of African football, Roger Milla, is in Johannesburg to present a preview of a brand new game to experience World Cup fever on your iPhone.

Created in partnership with Gencode Studio, a Swiss startup, the application lets you experience all the passion of the World Cup on your iPhone.

Dedicated to his ‚C≈ìur d’Afrique Solidarit√©‚ Foundation, the game offers players the opportunity to win two seats to attend the final of the World Cup, along with great prizes ‚Ķ The competition will take place in two stages: from today up till noon, 5 July, for the final. The other hundred prizes, including one special prize, will be awarded at the end of the summer‚Ķ

All the magic of football on iPhone

Open to anyone, anywhere in the world, ‚World Cup Roger Milla ‚ OodysS 3D‚ is a game aiming to promote and support Roger Milla’s Foundation. All you have to do is download it from Apple Store onto an iPhone or iTouch. Translated into six languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian), to play you need a keen understanding of penalty taking. The aim is to pick up as many balls as you can before taking on the unbelievable talents of a goalkeeper lion in stadium. The player scoring the most penalties will win seats in Johannesburg’s Soccer City to watch the final of the World Cup on 11 July 2010, with an unforgettable opportunity to meet Roger Milla, the indomitable Lion’s famous star, thrown in. Participants will be able to keep continuous tabs on the ranking of the top-100 players, all of whom will win a prize, to be awarded at the close of the competition at the end of August 2010. For those wanting to take part in this adventure to the full, the download price is US$3.

The Foundation

Created in 2005 by Roger Milla, the ‚C≈ìur d’Afrique Solidarit√©‚ Foundation will receive the greatest share of the competition profits. Established in Switzerland and in Yaound√©, Cameroon, the Foundation aims to bring about social and educational improvements in Africa through concrete, grass-roots actions delivering immediate, direct aid to children in need. Building an orphanage, fighting against discrimination in access to healthcare and promoting sport as an educational tool are some of Roger Milla’s major priorities. The Foundation also actively supports former stars of the indomitable Lions now in financial need to achieve a career switch. On top of his many social and humanitarian projects, Roger Milla hopes to open a special youth training centre for new talents in African football.

Game and all others information in website:

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