
Sex behind the wheel?

Jabra recently sponsored a survey, polling countries such as the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia and Japan to try and ascertain what people do while driving their cars. Astonishingly, respondents admitted to acts ranging from eating food, texting and reading newspapers through to acts such as kissing, changing clothes and even performing sexual acts – all while the car is in motion.
Seat belts, airbags, hands-free driving laws and devices – they’re all designed to help make us safer and more responsible on the roads.  However, new survey results, sponsored by Jabra suggest we’re anything but responsible when driving.

Despite technology to help keep both hands on the wheel, people are choosing to use their hands elsewhere whilst driving.  The most common activities for the six countries polled ( US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Japan) include eating, changing clothes, operating GPS systems, yelling at other drivers, texting and even performing sexual acts whilst behind the wheel. To compound issues, only about half of the survey respondents reported they’re using a hands-free device, which is the law in many countries.

For commuters, some activities may seem time-saving, with nearly 25 percent admitting to styling their hair or changing clothes while the car is in motion, but ultimately these acts are perilous, resulting in humiliating or more serious injuries.

The majority of respondents (72%) also admitted to eating food regularly while driving, which might seem convenient with fast food and drive-throughs, but for others’ safety it is important to keep both hands on the wheel, not the meal.

Further survey findings include:
29% of respondents admitted to kissing others while driving, whereas a smaller, but surprising number (15%) said they’ve performed sex or other sexual acts while driving
28% confirmed they text while driving
25% admitted to changing clothes while driving, whereas much fewer (5%) have shaved while behind the wheel
13% reported they apply make up while driving
10% also reported reading newspapers or magazines while driving
5% confessed to playing video games, while even more (12%) admitted to writing or reading emails while driving

“We have seen the demand for hands-free devices increase as most of Europe and numerous American states pass laws prohibiting the use of hand-held devices while driving, but we are honestly shocked at what people are doing with their hands – even when not using a headset or speakerphone,” said Anne Raaen Rasmussen, Vice President of the Mobile division at Jabra.  “Jabra’s products are designed to help drivers keep both hands on the wheel – not the meal, newspaper, make-up, or another person in the car.  The bad behaviours that were revealed in the survey at first seemed to be a joke, but in reality they are really quite frightening and a threat to everyone’s safety on the road.”

Road rage in general appears to be a global issue, with 63 percent reporting that they yell at other motorists while driving – and the French appear to be the biggest offenders.  Young people (age 18-35) from all countries also appear to be engaging in bad driving behaviours with higher frequency, but at the same time don’t feel that these activities are as dangerous as perceived by those who are older.  Across the board, the Japanese are the worst offenders when it comes to personal grooming while driving and electronic distractions like video games, movies, audio books, and music devices.  Alternatively, the British appear to be more safety oriented with the highest level of awareness around highly dangerous driving behaviours.

To learn more about the survey results and the driving behaviours examined, visit for more information.  Jabra has also has provided tips on ways to make the road safer and what to look for when purchasing a hands-free headset or speakerphone.

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