

Since computer games were first invented, racing car games of all types have been immensely popular. They strike such a cord amongst enthusiasts, that even sub-standard offerings routinely create their own devoted fan base. STEVEN CHIABERTA believes the latest addition to the genre, Microsoft’s’ RalliSport Challenge, will be no exception ‚ and it certainly isn’t sub-standard.

You’re ready to race as soon as you’ve installed the game, which doesn’t take long.

Difficulty in getting used to the controls seems to be the norm with this type of game. To some, this is a good thing, because it is challenging and it means that you aren’t going to conquer the game without a protracted fight. Those with less patience will be frustrated at actually having to improve over time.

To an extent. It is a very enjoyable rallying game, and fans of the genre will not be let down. However, in many spheres it lack of originality bring it down to earth.

Aside from the unlocking feature, this is probably the biggest fault of the game While the graphics are amazing, the tracks, the options, the scenery and the action are not highly original. Neither are the game screen, navigational aids and co-driver, or your ability to adjust aspects of your car. There are many variations on established themes.

Overall, RalliSport is a very enjoyable game. You will be blown away if it is your introduction to the genre, and it is a worthy, though not essential, addition to your collection if you already have other types of rallying game.

RalliSport Challenge is available from most stockists of PC games nationwide. Visit for information on this and other Microsoft PC games

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