
Radio gets its World Day

World Radio Day is being marked today for the first time in a worldwide recognition that the future of communications is increasingly wireless.
World Radio Day has been proclaimed bynUNESCO, following a request from the Academia Española de la Radio of Spain, toncelebrate radio broadcast, improve international cooperation among radionbroadcasters and encourage decision-makers to create and provide access toninformation through radio, including community radios. It’s an occasion to drawnattention to the unique value of radio, which remains the medium to reach thenwidest audience and is currently taking up new technological forms and devices.

13 February also marks the day the United Nations Radio wasnlaunched in 1946.

The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference, currently innsession, is drawing up the framework to ensure high quality radiocommunicationnservices for maritime and aeronautical transport and other advancedntechnologies such as satellite navigation and mobile broadband as well as fornscientific purposes related to the environment, meteorology and climatology,ndisaster prediction, mitigation and relief. The Conference is engaged innreviewing and revising the Radio Regulations, the international treatyngoverning the use of radio-frequency spectrum that is in demand for the entirengamut of wireless services and applications required to meet globalncommunication requirements.

In a joint statement, ITU Secretary-GeneralnHamadoun Touré and UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova said, “In a worldnchanging quickly, we must make the most of radio’s ability to connect peoplenand societies, to share knowledge and information and to strengthen understanding.nThis World Radio Day is a moment to recognize the marvel of radio and tonharness its power for the benefit of all.”

With its mandate to ‘Connect the World,’ ITU is committed tonstrengthening radio as the world’s most accessible, pervasive and multilingualncommunication technology and to ensuring it continues to be an immenselynpowerful tool for delivering social and economic benefits, especially for thenworld’s rural and most remote communities.

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