
Too many tools, too little sales

Sales organisations are optimising tech for peak efficiency, addressing customers’ increasing demands, and maximising rep productivity to drive success, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

According to  the fifth edition of the State of the Sales report by global CRM leader Salesforce, sales reps are under pressure to hit targets, and 64% of South African sales professionals say selling is harder now.

The study surveyed more than 7,700 sales professionals from 38 countries, including 200 from South Africa.

Key insights, as provided by Salesforce, included:

The new sales mantra: Maximising impact.

Companies are moving away from high-risk strategies as they battle inflation, supply   chain bottlenecks, regulatory uncertainty, and political disruption. And yet,

Buyers are looking for sales reps to meet them wherever they are, regardless of channel

 — and then to act as trusted advisors. Organisations in South Africa connect with buyers on an average of 11 channels.

Operational efficiency is taking on growing importance. Sales ops is expanding into a more strategic role, tasked with enabling reps to spend more time in customer conversations. Sales reps in South Africa estimate they spend only 27% of their week actually selling.

  Companies are reviewing training programs and benefits, while optimising

territories and sales enablement tools to set employees up for success and retain star players. Sales teams experienced a 23% average turnover rate in South Africa over the past year.

“The most recent period of growth is on pause — traded away for tight budgets and a preference for high operating margins,” said Adam Gilberd, executive vice president for sales at Salesforce. “As sellers, we’re used to these conditions and are quickly adapting. Our customers are facing those same challenges. And our job is to help them overcome — to showcase opportunities for efficiency, cost savings, and added productivity.”

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