
Kids can unpack phobias

The Cape Town Science Centre (CTSC) has invited younger visitors to explore a range of tongue-twister phobias and enjoy the science behind them in an assortment of workshops and activities that challenge their minds.

The programme consists of an assortment of workshops and activities that challenge young scientists to explore, discover and learn about fears and phobias and have fun doing so.

Confronting the word Ophidiophobia can be scary enough, but If you do suffer from this phobia you will be very scared when finding a snake nearby. Learning more about the different phobias and fears people face daily is interesting and the science centre workshops are entertaining. Visitors will increase their tongue-twister vocabulary and knowledge by at least eight phobias.

Nadine Nortier, Senior Science Communicator at Cape Town Science Centre, is inviting visitors to “join us and conquer your fears of heights, bees, spiders, snakes, the dark …, in a safe environment by learning more about the things that give us a fright or keep us up at night”.

CTSC will also run a coding holiday camp which will use the visual block programming software, Scratch, and nurture 21st Century skills as they go about producing their game.

“This is an excellent opportunity to acquire basic coding skills in a relaxed and creative environment – 15 hours of coding fun over a 5-day period and the opportunity to explore the rest of the Cape Town Science Centre’s offerings and make new friends,” said Nortier.

The centre recently opened a new exhibit, the Microsoft Classroom of the Future, in which visitors have access to the latest Microsoft X-Box technology and  interact and explore the world on tablets and laptops at their leisure.

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