
ITU kicks off Green App Challenge

The ITU together with Telefónica has launched the 3rd Green ICT Application Challenge with a prize of 5 000 US dollars for the application that best helps promote Smart Sustainable Cities and environmental sustainability in urban areas.

The impact of urban areas on natural resources necessitates a path of sustainable growth and development for the expansion of cities. It is expected that 70 per cent of the world population will be urban by 2050, and that most of this growth will occur in less developed countries. Cities currently emit 71 per cent of total greenhouse gases and consume between 60 and 80 per cent of the world’s energy. Innovative use of ICTs can drive solutions to make cities more efficient and sustainable.

Developers can submit concepts individually or as part of a team. Submissions must be original and should deal with one of the following subjects: transport and mobility: management of energy, water, health services or waste: adaptation to climate change: town planning, including smart buildings: and smart sustainable societies, community participation and environmental education.

Dr. Hamadoun Tour√©, Secretary General, ITU said: ‚”Application challenges have been a great way to unlock hidden talent and innovation. The past two winners were perfect examples of what can be achieved with out of the box thinking. I wholeheartedly encourage participants to think creatively about how we can harness the power of ICTs to make our cities more sustainable better places to live.‚”

The winner will be selected according to criteria including impact, scalability, the degree of innovation, feasibility, the quality of the implementation plan and the business model. In addition, priority will be given to applications that can help developing countries to solve environmental problems in an urban context.

The deadline for submitting Concept Papers is 30 April 2013, with the name of the winning project revealed on 23 May. An award ceremony will take place on 5 June 2013 during the ITU’s 3rd Green Standards Week.

The launch of this latest Challenge is in line with the Call to Action on ‚”Smart Sustainable Cities‚”, proposed in September 2012 at the 2nd ITU Green Standards Week in Paris.

The 3rd Green Standards Week (GSW) will be hosted by Telefónica in Madrid, Spain between 3 and 7 June, 2013. Workshops will include:

· Workshop on Green ICT Standards (ITU) Р3 June

· Workshop on e-Waste Challenges and Opportunities (ITU/UNEP/UNU/CEDARE) 4 June

· Green ICTs for Smart Sustainable Cities, including the Award ceremony for the 3rd Green ICT Application Challenge (ITU and Telefonica) 5 June

· 3rd Workshop on Submarine Communications Networks For Climate/Ocean Monitoring and Disaster Warning (ITU/WMO/UNESCO IOC) Р6-7 June

Information about the 3d Green ICT Application Challenge can be found here.

Information about ITU-T climate change activities can be found here.


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