
IFA 2020: Retail experience of the future

Retail has a future, but what will it look like? How can retailers benefit from changing consumer behaviours? Why do digital shoppers still visit stores? What does phygital mean? And how does omnichannelling work best?

The new format IFA Retail Next premiered at IFA 2020 Special Edition in a new format which is a collaboration with the retail consultants from Liganova, a company that has worked on ‘phygital sphere’, in which customers enjoy omnichannel sales experiences – digital and physical.

Yesterday at IFA 2020 in Berlin, Liganova partner Dr Marc Schumacher kicked off discussions on the prevalence of technology and what this means for the world of retail in the coming years. Jan Toschka, Retail General Manager Shell DACH added the perspective of the transformation of service stations to the session. Following panel discussions will look at how shared spaces work in retail – connecting several industries in one place, and a summary of recent retail trends in China.

Retail Next took place yesterday from 10.30 a to 12.50 pm on the stages of IFA Next.

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