
How tablets lift lifestyle

With a couple of long weekends around the corner, it is time to pack away the notebooks, but says JULIAN PIENAAR don’t pack the tablets and smartphones. There are loads of functions they can perform to make our lives more productive and efficient – even when we are not working.

Mobile devices like tablets have become an integral part of our lives – making us more productive and efficient in so many ways. But time flies when you’re working hard and it’s that time of year when we get to enjoy a few public holidays, when hopefully there’s a chance to not work so hard for a few days. That doesn’t mean you should be packing away your tablet, though. What makes these devices so nifty is that they can adapt to your lifestyle, no matter who you are, where you are or what you’re doing.

The Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 Pro, for example, has a kickstand allowing you to use it in Hold, Stand, Tilt or Hang Mode, and it has a built-in projector to create a 50-inch home theatre experience, complete with vibrant sound quality.

Here are a few handy ways you could use your tablet to make your holidays even more carefree and fun.

Cooking is no longer a chore

When you’ve got more time on your hands, cooking is less of a chore and more about being creative and experimenting. Use your tablet to log on to the internet and find new recipes – or if you’re really organised maybe you already have your favourite dishes stored. Once you’ve found that dessert you’ve always wanted to try your hand at, what could be easier than standing, tilting or even hanging your tablet (away from sticky hands and stray ingredients) for easy reading, or even better, to watch a step-by-step video as you create your masterpiece? And don’t forget to take a few snaps when you’re done!

Entertainment made easy

Holidays are all about upping the ante when it comes to entertainment. Whether you need to entertain the kids, catch up on the movies you’ve missed or even just set the mood with the right music for a fun night with friends or a romantic night with your partner – you don’t need to look further than your tablet.

Load it up with an assortment of the latest games and movies and fasten it to the back of a headrest in the car so that the kids have their own personal entertainment system and you get some peace and quiet.

Don’t forget to load some movies and series for yourself too – and if you’re one of the lucky ones with a built-in projector on your tablet, you can enjoy a movie night with your loved ones (or sneak in some rugby that your partner has banned from the TV screen).

If you still prefer your TV screen, another great way to use your tablet is as universal remote control. Imagine holding one device that can control the TV, DVD player and even the lights – much easier than naviagting your way through systems that sometimes seem better suited to a rocket scientist!

With each new tablet boasting even more superior functionality, it’s also no surprise that listening to the soundtrack of the movie or using your tablet as a music player is no longer a ‚Äòtinny’ experience. So download the perfect playlist for your holiday, stand your tablet in the centre of the action and create an experience to remember.

Time for some ‚Äòme time’

Having fun with family and friends is great, but holidays are also about relaxing – and your tablet can be the perfect companion for some ‚Äòme time’.

One of the first, but still the best way to use your tablet is as an all-in-one e-reader. Whether you use a news or blog aggregator or enjoy reading the latest bestseller, a tablet keeps all your personalised content in one place and it’s light and easy to handle whether you’re on a plane or on the beach.

Perhaps even more relaxing than reading on the beach is having a long, uniterrupted bath. Use your tablet to play tranquil music to help you unwind, or even hang it up so you can watch the latest episode of your favourite series and draw out the experience even more.

Make sure you’re charged up

Holidays are about recharging your batteries, but if your tablet is going to be accompanying you, you need to make sure it’s charged up too. Aside from the fact that watching movies is bound to drain any tablet’s battery, we also have the added consideration of being caught in an unexpected power outage, so battery life is key when choosing your tablet. Luckily, some of the newest models, including the YOGA 2 Pro, boast up to 15 hours of battery, meaning you’ll get in plenty of holiday fun before needing to recharge.

The perfect holiday companion

When choosing a holiday companion, you want fun, flexibility and reliability. With its various modes that can be used in a host of different settings for different occasions, and a battery life that keeps on going regardless of whether there’s power or not, your tablet is ideal no matter what you’re doing these holidays.

* Julian Pienaar, Lenovo South Africa Technical Solutions Advocate.

* Follow Gadget on Twitter on @GadgetZA

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