
Facebook unveils Messaging app

Facebook has announced its dedicated messaging app, Messenger, which it says is designed to simplify how messaging works, and give you a faster way to message friends and small groups.

Facebook announced the launch of a dedicated messaging app, Messenger, which it said ‚simplifies how messaging works, and gives you a faster way to message friends and small groups.‚ While Facebook previously offered messaging capabilities through its core social networking app, the new product is standalone. Messages are delivered through both Facebook notifications and texts, and can also be sent to contacts from the phonebook as well as Facebook friends. In a blog post, the company highlighted the group capabilities of the app, and the ability to add location and photos to messages.

Messenger has been compared with RIM’s BlackBerry Messenger, and Apple’s planned iMessage technology, which will form an integrated part of its iOS 5 release. Facebook will have the ability to leverage its 250 million plus mobile user base, as well as providing its users with the ability to contact people without Facebook accounts from the same app. In addition, by offering a cross-platform app, Messenger may appeal to customers who want to be able to communicate beyond a single vendor ecosystem.

According to reports, the new app uses technology gained through Facebook’s acquisition of group messaging company Beluga earlier this year ‚ the blog post unveiling the app was attributed to Lucy Zhang, co-founder of Beluga. The app is available for Android and iPhone, and is initially targeted at US users.


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