
Business can now go spatial

MapIT has launched a simple address validation tool onto the market to spatially enable address databases. The company devised these software components to counter market perceptions that it is a costly and time-consuming process to assign GPS coordinates to address data.

Digital mapping and technology company MapIT has launched a simple address validation tool onto the market to spatially enable address databases.

MapIT devised the software component to counter market perceptions that it is a costly and time-consuming process to assign GPS coordinates to address data.

To simplify the process, the new MapIT software component systematically guides users through a step-by-step process of capturing province, town, suburb and street data. The result is an accurate, well-structured address and GPS coordinates.

‚Our application is essentially an address validation tool that cleans a database while spatially enabling the data,‚ said Etienne Louw, managing director of MapIT. ‚It will only allocate coordinates to well-structured input. This makes the process efficient, simple and accurate. By capturing addresses in this way, you get spot on geocoded results.

‚Once a company has the ability to identify its operations on a map, the door to a competitive edge opens. This simplified process prepares the way for full spatial enablement and the implementation of products like MarketScope v3, MapIT’s powerful spatial business intelligence tool.‚

Using MarketScope generated snapshots of the trading environment on a digital map, management can optimise existing operations, manage logistics and plan strategic growth. The application is especially useful for planning the location of new stores, defining and displaying customer foot-prints, plotting demographic trends and identifying industry threats.

MarketScope v3 said Louw, has the capacity to deliver simple answers to complex queries, but, to do so, it needs a clean and spatially enabled database. ‚Our address validation process is the first step,‚ he said.

The multi-platform component support allows users to integrate the address validation tool into new or existing solutions.

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