
Borderlands 3 Gameplay reveal

Members of the Gearbox development team demoed two of the game’s four new Vault Hunters: Zane, the seasoned covert assassin who wields a variety of high-tech gadgets, and Amara, the melee-focused Siren who can summon ethereal fists to pummel her foes. Together, they tackled new sections of classic Borderlands planet Pandora before moving on to an entirely new planet: the futuristic, neon-soaked cityscapes of Promethea.

The presentation was capped by a new trailer showing off the epic scope of Borderlands 3—the biggest, most content-rich Borderlands game to date. Catch glimpses of new enemies, locales, and weaponry, with plenty more still come in the months leading up to the game’s 13 September launch.

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