
Bitly integrates with Canva

Connecting Bitly and Canva accounts allows users to seamlessly drag and drop Bitly QR Codes and short links into their designs. One can also create new QR Codes and short links within Canva, or insert any of the 50 most recently-created ones from a Bitly account.

Bitly is the world’s best-known link-shortening service, while Canva is a widely popular design and creation tool.

“You’re familiar with Canva being the place to make beautiful creative assets—we’re talking about images for social media, videos, gifs, posters, presentations,” says Jen Adams, part of the global product marketing team at Bitly. “You currently use Bitly for your short links, QR Codes, and for insights into their performance. The Bitly and Canva integration, available in Canva, lets you seamlessly connect these two accounts—creating pure magic.”

Unlike other app options, all Bitly QR Codes created in Canva can be accessed again within Canva or your Bitly account. This means users can reuse the same QR Code on multiple designs. In addition to giving the ability to create flexible and reusable QR Codes, Bitly is the only short link provider available in Canva.

“Just like your links, Bitly QR Codes have scan data details to help you understand how your QR Codes are being scanned,” says Adams. “Peek behind the curtain by learning when your audience is scanning, where they’re scanning from, and what browser and operating system they’re using.”

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