
BB apps for dads

In celebration of Father’s Day, here are a few BlackBerry apps that will help you get more out of your day so that you have more time to spend with your kids.

If you’re a busy dad with a schedule packed with social, sports, work and family commitments, you’ll appreciate the many great time-saving apps that you can download from BlackBerry App World for your BlackBerry smartphone. In celebration of Father’s Day, here are a few cool apps that will help you get more out of your day so that you have more time to spend with your kids.


Get the News24 app for the latest breaking news, sport, finance and lifestyle news. The user interface has been designed for BlackBerry users to access their news quickly while on the go and includes a quick-view 3 day weather forecast of your town or city. It also lets you submit news tips and photos as it happens or check your Lotto results or daily horoscope.

For more information, go to

Mileage Tracker

Mileage Tracker allows you to track your vehicles mileage and analyse its performance and efficiency. It’s is essential for anyone who needs to track mileage for tax deduction or reimbursement. Featuring predictive input, auto-entry, auto-calculation, and quick access to frequent trips, it also calculates your entire trip’s expenditure. With just a few clicks, you can create useful data ready to search, sort and generate email reports.

For more information, go to


This award winning app lets you remember and recall anything that happens in your life. From notes and ideas to snapshots and recordings, put it all into Evernote and watch as everything instantly synchronizes from your BlackBerry smartphone to the Web, your Mac or Windows desktop. With Evernote, you can easily search for notes created on your desktop or Web using your BlackBerry.

For more information, go to


Vlingo is your very own Virtual Assistant and allows you to tell your BlackBerry smartphone what to do. It combines fast and accurate voice recognition technology with the intelligence to listen to what you say, and quickly connect you with people, businesses and activities so that you can get things done while on the go. Try saying “Text John: what’s up?”” or “”find Italian restaurants”” or even “”update Facebook: I’m on a boat!””

For more information, go to

Adidas MiCoach

A virtual coach in the palm of your hands, the Adidas MiCoach app offers GPS and real time audible coaching that keep you going past your personal best. It lets you choose a training plan customised for your sport and build the speed and endurance to go even farther. You can track your workouts and show off your progress on

For more information, go to

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