
Bandwidth rules at rAge

More than 2 000 gamers burning through bandwidth at a record rate at last weekend really Awesome gaming expo (rAge), with 130TB downloaded at an average rate of 5.6 gigabits per second.

At its peak, participants in the NAG LAN were generating 8 gigabits per second, made possible by MWEB, along with Intel on server duty and Aruba on network duty.

The 15th episode of rAge revealed an industry that is not only thriving, but is here to stay.

Despite adverse weather conditions, the Ticketpro Dome in Johannesburg saw 35 845 visitors going full-geek over the weekend, with over 130 exhibitors hosting the latest in gaming, technology and gadgets.

“I was a little concerned when looking at the weather conditions before the show, but our fans proved their dedication by showing up in droves to support the expo,” says Michael James, senior project manager for rAge.

The 15th rAge celebrated its growth with VS Gaming as the headline sponsor and OMEN by HP sponsoring the NAG LAN in a weekend featuring competitions, esports tournaments, exhibitions and an array of geeky paraphernalia. Uniting gaming and popular culture, rAge hosted everyone from the most dedicated of gamers to the most casual of fans.

With massive prizes won over the course of the weekend, some of the best games in the industry revealed and launched, the top gadgets and products on display, as well as a unique platform developed for South African cosplay and game development, rAge continues to be a pioneer in creating a fun, interactive and inclusive environment.

“There are three things that make rAge exceptional each year: the exhibitors, my incredible, dedicated ‘nothing is a problem’ team and, of course, the visitors to the show,” says James. “The rAge team is already discussing everything that needs tweaking based on feedback from exhibitors and visitors, and thinking about what we’ll be doing for rAge 2018. This is largely driven by many of the newer exhibitors asking questions about more space, and how they can expand their offering next year. IThe future of this expo is bright.”

The 2018 rAge expo will take place from 5-7 October next year.

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