
How to avoid the spam filter

By DESIREE GULLAN, co-founder and executive creative director of G&G Digital

What does it take to create an effective email marketing campaign that is not only read, but also engaged with? Mailers must convey a message and create an experience that entices the user to take the desired action.

Email marketing has many benefits and is a highly effective channel that can take the lead or compliment other digital channels, such as banners and paid search. Benefits include,

The above can only be achieved through a strategic, well-crafted email campaign, implemented through smart copy, design and UX. Here are 7 factors to achieve a hardworking email marketing campaign.

1. Multi-channel integration

Consumers prefer content tailored to their needs so they need not do additional work to find what is relevant to them. Multi-channel integration such as QR-codes and tailored landing pages get users right where they need to be in as few clicks as possible. Simplicity is key, 90% of retailers report that a simple, integrated emails gets the best results.

2. Strong visual elements

Strong, compelling visual imagery isn’t just aesthetically appealing, it also helps convey the key message and reduces the need for too much intimidating copy.

3. Create an interactive experience

Users want convenience and ease-of-use such as one-click reviews, purchasing and returns, or whatever your conversion requirement is. Think of your email marketing as effective sales or customer service through a digital platform, in real-time.

4. Utilise live-content

Whether your campaign is for awareness, education or engagement, live-content keeps users intrigued. This could either include a live countdown timer, live scores, streaming an event or even rich media. It’s interactive, captivating and effective.

5. Improve accessibility for disabled users

Be it Siri, Alexa or Google Home, tech is available for all audiences including visually impaired, hearing impaired or physically disabled users.

6. Subject lines rule

Be adventurous and engaging with your subject line. When a user receives an email, the subject line determines whether it will be read or trashed.

7. Avoid these in your subject lines

Spam filters have improved tremendously, so take care when writing subject lines. Stay away from,

In addition to a well-crafted email campaign, the benefits are substantial through the implementation of the following,

Each of the benefits are not just measurable through data, but also clear KPI’s to ensure a significant ROI is gained. This is measured through,

Consumers are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages a day, make sure yours is targeted, relevant, engaging and easy for your target market. This makes your desired conversions achievable which will assist with your objectives.

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