
AppDate: Quickloc8 tackles GBV

Quickloc8 taxi cam

Gender-based violence (GBV), which encompasses physical, sexual, emotional and psychological violence against women and children, is so widespread it even reaches into public transport, like taxis. But there are steps that can be taken to help protect women and children.

The Quickloc8 AI-embedded camera is one approach. It improves the overall trip experiences by reducing elements that threaten women’s safety and make the trip unpleasant. These threats range from robbery, assault, rape, intimidation and unsolicited attention and harassment.

Taxis fitted with this camera display an external sticker saying “Awukhowedwa” (meaning “you are not alone”).

The camera offers video streaming of occurrences inside the taxis, and includes two-way communication between commuters and taxi owners, who can issue instructions through the app. Video is automatically saved to Quickloc8’s cloud for future use.

Platform: Android

Expect to pay: A once-off payment of R900, which includes the camera. Thereafter R239 per month on a 36-month contract

Stockists: Visit Quickloc8 here to sign up

Tetris for smartphones

N3twork has announced that Tetris is now available for smartphones. The game offers the traditional gameplay mode where one has to complete rows of blocks, with an increasing difficulty rate. One can also compete against a computer or friends.

The app features swipe controls with haptic feedback built specifically for mobile devices, and includes both online and offline play. Players can personalise their experience with five different themes and fifty different avatars.

Platform: Android and iOS

Expect to pay: A free download

Stockists: Visit the N3TWORK here for downloading instructions.


Ukheshe Technologies and ForexPeople have developed boostXB, an app that offers the ability to make cross border payments from South Africa into more than 40 countries across Africa.

Richard Beddow, founder of ForexPeople, says: “boostXB came about due to the demand for faster, safer and more cost-effective ways of transferring cash from South Africa. Because the app adopts a mobile-first approach, transferring money is more convenient, especially in the case of migrant workers. Transfer fees are kept to a minimum.”

Platform: Any device with an up-to-date browser

Expect to pay: A free service, but transfer fees are charged

Stockists: Visit the Ukheshe Cross Border payments page here for more information

My Smart City

Acumen Software has launched a My Smart City platform, allowing citizens in Johannesburg and Cape Town to report potholes, monitor power and water outages, communicate with local municipal officials and raise a petition via mobile phones or desktop computers.

It has been integrated into Cape Town’s call management system, and the company plans on connecting all municipal systems, enabling people to report other problems.

Where the My Smart City platform has not been granted access to interface with municipal systems, Acumen Software’s dispatch centre team will become the conduit between citizens and their municipalities to ensure that their issues are appropriately logged and tracked.

In time, residents will be able to source private services, manage crowd-funding initiatives and gain access to community, social and sporting events.

Platform: Android and iOS

Expect to pay: A free download

Stockists: Visit My Smart City here for installation instructions. 


John Deere’s new JDLink connectivity service lets its customers connect and monitor their machines from their John Deere Operations Center account, either on the web or through the mobile app. Connectivity subscriptions or renewals are no longer required, so farmers can activate the service and leave it running, which makes it possible for them to monitor their machines and their farm, anytime from anywhere.  

JDLink connectivity provides customers with a single level of service that includes machine and agronomic data sharing and all the features available within the Operations Center. 

Specific services, features, and options available to customers vary depending on their location and farming equipment.

Platform: Android and iOS

Expect to pay: A free download

Stockists: Visit the John Deere website here for downloading instructions

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