Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, has announced that it will debut its first African animated series, Supa Team 4, on 20 July 2023. The series was created by Zambian writer Malenga Mulendema and produced by South Africa’s Triggerfish Animation Studios.
Supa Team 4 is a superhero comedy series that follows four teen girls living in the neo-futuristic African city of Lusaka. When they’re recruited by a retired secret agent still committed to saving the world, they have to balance their secret identities and fighting supervillains with homework and the everyday challenges of being teenagers.
The series features a diverse cast of characters and explores themes of friendship, teamwork, and empowerment. It is a groundbreaking series that will appeal to audiences of all ages.
Melissa Cobb, Netflix vice president of Kids & Family Content, says: “This series is a groundbreaking new take on the superhero genre, and we are confident that it will resonate with audiences around the world.”
Supa Team 4 was created by Malenga Mulendema, who is also the showrunner. The series is executive produced by Anthony Silverston, Mike Buckland, Tom van Waveren, Edward Galton, Amy Keating Rogers, and Malenga Mulendema. It is produced by Ciara Breslin, Cake Entertainment and Triggerfish.
The series features the voices of Zowa Ngwira, Namisa Mdlalose, Kimani Arthur, Nancy Sekhokoane, Pamela Nomvete, and John MacMillan.
Triggerfish Animation Studios is an award-winning animation studio based in Cape Town, South Africa. The studio has produced a number of critically acclaimed animated films and series, including Mama K’s Team 4, Adventures in Zambezia, and Khumba.