
Telkom has come out with new converged bundles

Today, Telkom announced converged bundled solutions for business customers, which are designed to bring fixed and mobile solutions, on a single bill, from a single provider.

‚The innitative was led by Dr Brian Armstrong and his team at Telkom Business who remain committed to delivering innovation in fixed mobile convergence (FMC) and ultimately seamless unified communication,‚ says Telkom Group CEO, Nombulelo Moholi.

Telkom Business’ Managing Director, Dr Brian Armstrong says, ‚One of the key drives in Telkom is a move from being the ‚incumbent‚ to market leadership. Single service offerings and ultimately the move toward converged solutions is a key part of achieving this.‚

Telkom has mapped out an aggressive roadmap toward offering true FMC and seamless unified communications and has already achieved a number of milestones including the launch of Cybernest, Telkom Business Mobile and the unveiling of Telkom Business Broadband.

‚We believe that Telkom is best positioned to lead in this space. We have the necessary infrastructure, network, products, scale and resources to offer the best of the fixed and mobile technology worlds.‚

Converged bundles will now marry Telkom’s fixed, mobile and data offerings into a single solution.

‚The convenience of flexible and scalable tailor made solutions: unified billing and a single point of purchase and service support will deliver unrivalled value, cost and productivity gains for our business customers,‚ said Armstrong.

Telkom unveiled three fixed mobile deals today: however, Armstrong announced that in the coming weeks that it would reveal almost two dozen more convergence deals.

‚Furthermore, all the convergence deals can be tailored to the customer’s specific requirements via a deal builder portal on Telkom Business’ Online Shopping Basket.‚

He also revealed that coming soon, Telkom would offer SIM bundle deals on convergence accounts and closed user group deals, with up to 20 000 mobile users, and free calls to one fixed line on certain deals.

‚Telkom has prioritised the journey toward convergence as a key part of the its overall strategy. Looking ahead we know that FMC will form an integral element of seamless unified communication (UC) and that is where we are heading,‚ offered Armstrong. UC enables people to communicate anywhere, anytime, over any media.

‚Essentially, FMC will evolve from basic PBX mobile extensions to comprehensive UC with collaborative solutions. Telkom is currently piloting premise-based UC solutions with three large corporate customers as we gear up to reach the next milestone on this journey.

‚We spend a lot of time talking to our customers to make sure we know what they want. We are confident we can deliver both their existing and latent ICT needs,‚ concluded Dr Armstrong.

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