
Samsung Gauss to take on ChatGPT

Samsung has joined the rush into generative artificial intelligence (AI), with a large language model that covers content generation, coding and image creation.

At the Samsung AI Forum in Seoul, Korea, this week, under the theme of “large-scale AI for a better tomorrow”, the consumer technology giant demonstrated Samsung Gauss, an AI platform that had been extensively researched, tested, and expanded. It is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, the mathematician who established normal distribution theory, the backbone of machine learning and AI.

The Gauss AI model consists of Samsung Gauss Language, Samsung Gauss Code and Samsung Gauss Image, and covers functionality that is currently spread across a wide range of competing AI tools. 

The three components are made up of:

Samsung said Gauss was currently being used for employee productivity but will be expanded to a variety of Samsung product applications to provide new user experience in the near future.

“Samsung is not only developing AI technologies, but also moving forward with various activities that ensure safe AI usage,” the manufacturer said in a statement. “Through the AI Red Team, Samsung continues to strengthen the ability to proactively eliminate and monitor security and privacy issues that may arise in the entire process — ranging from data collection to AI model development, service deployment and AI-generated results — all with the principles of AI ethics in mind.”

The announcement came two days after ChatGPT creator OpenAI announced that users would now be able to create custom versions of ChatGPT that combine instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills.

“We’re rolling out custom versions of ChatGPT that you can create for a specific purpose—called GPTs,” said the company. “GPTs are a new way for anyone to create a tailored version of ChatGPT to be more helpful in their daily life, at specific tasks, at work, or at home—and then share that creation with others. For example, GPTs can help you learn the rules to any board game, help teach your kids math, or design stickers.”

OpenAI said paying users, namely those on the Plus and Enterprise plans, would be able to start creating GPTs this week. Later this month, it will launch a GPT Store, so that people can feature and make money from their GPTs.

OpenAI also made an appearance at the Samsung AI Forum, with two of its scientists delivering papers.

Dr. Hyung Won Chung explained the operation of large language models and addressed the challenges they face, while researcher. Jason Wei discussed how LLMs will drive a paradigm shift in AI.

The presentations highlighted the extent to which Samsung is collaborating closely with other industry players, rather than treating them as direct competition.

“We will continue to support and collaborate with the industry and academia on generative AI research.” said Daehyun Kim, executive vice president of the Samsung Research Global AI Center.

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