
Organisations use over 1000 apps – but remain disconnected

Integration lies at the centre of digital transformation and connected user experiences. However, 80% of respondents to a new survey say integration challenges are slowing their efforts — leading to data silos and disconnected departments. MuleSoft’s annual Connectivity Benchmark Report for Salesfocre surveyed 1,050 CIOs and IT decision makers to better understand these challenges and what organisations can do to succeed amid economic uncertainty.

The findings included:

Integration challenges slowing digital transformation efforts  

The good news? New technology is solving these problems and making integration easier. Some of the world’s biggest companies are using real-time data technologies to integrate, ingest, and store real-time data streams at massive scale, with built-in connectors that bring in data from every channel (mobile, web, APIs), legacy data through, and historical data from proprietary data lakes.

API-led connectivity helps businesses integrate apps and data 

With rising demands, IT looks to automation to support non-tech workflows 

IT teams that manage an organisation’s tech operations are increasingly looking to automation for efficiency and organisation-wide productivity solutions.

RPA — which enables teams to automate business processes and tasks with bots — is one automation technology seeing rapid adoption across enterprises, with 33% percent of organisations investing in the technology.

Businesses have saved up to 109 billion hours every month using automation tools that enable employees to focus on higher value work. By taking a unified approach to integration, API management, and automation, businesses are able to drive efficiency, agility, and continuous innovation.

As digital transformation moves ahead, cost of failure rises

Despite an increase in IT project volume (41% growth year over year), most (69%) organisations are ahead of schedule on digital transformation progress due, in part, to infrastructure improvement. However, the cost of failure to complete projects has risen, adding risk to business’ bottom lines.

“We’ve seen significant investment and dedication from businesses looking to digitally transform,” said Matt McLarty, CTO of MuleSoft. “Even amid uncertain economic conditions, digital transformation efforts are well underway, and even speeding up in some cases,. However, integration efforts are lagging, and without this, businesses cannot realise the full value of their data and application capabilities.”

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