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Your home, your conference centre

With the pandemic showing no signs of going away, home offices have to evolve even further – into the “everything office” – writes ARTHUR GOLDSTUCK

It’s no longer a home office. It’s not even an anywhere office. In pandemic times, the office space we’ve carved out of our living spaces have to evolve even further, into nothing else than conference centres.

This means the technology we use has to evolve, too. Yes, one can run an office efficiently with a laptop and an Internet connection – if one simply wants to carry on with business as usual. But many of us want to up our game, make ourselves more employable or useful to the organisation employing us, or stand out from the rest.

That means our remote office, home office, anywhere office, would need to become an “everything office”. It can set us up not just for a videoconference, webinar or virtual presentation, but also for complex meetings or events, with multiple participants both in our own locations and others. At the same time, we can have access to TV, streaming video and audio, and equipment to record ourselves in action.

In short, a home office has the potential to double as a multi-purpose meeting venue, and then triple as a media centre.

Note, these are not “musts”: one can get by with a decent laptop and webcam. But to thrive in the new era of personal branding, of global positioning, of slash roles (multiple roles divided by the / symbol), one may need a little more.

Go to the next page to read about the key ingredients to create your own everything office.

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